Elizabeth L. Gardner, WASP-piloot tijdens WOII, Harlingen Army Air Field, Texas
First Lieutenant Ernest Hemingway in his Red Cross uniform, circa 1918
The last photo of Freddie Mercury, 1991
Hans Zimmer and his modular system, it has Moog and Roland modules, early 80s. Zimmer bought the Moog IIIP from Chris Franke in 1979.
Jackie with John Jr & Caroline – Leaving the White House for the Capitol for JFK’s funeral, Washington, DC – November 25, 1963
John F. Kennedy and Jackie O. on their wedding day, 1953
Mark Twain in 1883.
Matron of honor, Marlene Dietrich, fixing the strap on sonfer and good friend Edith Piaf’s shoe on the day of her wedding, 1952.
Portrait of Picasso in the studio, Paris, 1915-1916.
Sarah Harding opens the new Ultimo Lingerie Shop in London

Sarah Harding was an English singer, model and actress.
Her professional career began in 2002 when she successfully auditioned for the
ITV reality series Popstars: The Rivals, during which Harding won a place
in the girl group Girls Aloud.